New Gallery Representation

Around a year and a half ago I made the decision to concentrate on painting and faze out my smaller creations. With my son being older I finally had the mental space and energy needed to focus solely on painting, my passion. When he was little it was very difficult to concentrate with the constant interruptions and needs of a small child therefore it was much easier to make little bits and pieces and lots of the same which didn’t require a huge amount of mental focus. I was still painting but only for specific shows rather than as a compulsion which is how it is for me now.

I knew I needed to find a few more galleries for my work so I made a long list of ones I really liked and where I hoped my work would fit. I had a fair amount of rejection but joys of joys my work is now in the very highly regarded and well established New Craftsman Gallery in St Ives and in another gorgeous gallery, Far and Wild in Perranporth to name but a few…

The 3 below are currently at Far and Wild along with 4 more.
Take a look at ‘Stockists’ to see more galleries representing my work.