
Yesterday was my final morning at printmaking class until next term. I decided to take a summer sketchbook from 2018 for inspiration which had several sunflower sketches. This was my starting point for these monotypes. I find sunflowers the hardest flowers to tackle, I think the the large, dark centre can look threatening and unappealing. But I’m quite happy with how these have turned out. They’re intuitive and it helps that I wasn’t worried about the outcome.

I’ve now used up my stock of Japanese paper including some small handmade sheets that my dad gave me over 20 years ago which I taped together to make larger pieces. My printmaking tutor was able to give me some information on where the paper had originally come from thanks to one of the pieces having a watermark of J Green, a paper company that closed down years ago. So satisfying to finally make use of these little pieces of paper after all these years.