Tresco Residency

I’ve just returned from my annual visit to Tresco as part of an artist’s residency with Gallery Tresco. A short 20 minute flight from Lands End, in an 8 seater plane to St Marys and a bumpy boat ride from St Marys to Tresco and you’re there. Unfortunately, our flight was delayed by 2 days due to fog and high humidity, which meant we only had 4 days staying on the island. Luckily, time slows down on Tresco and it felt as if we’d had much longer. One of the joys of visiting in the winter means we have the island pretty much to ourselves, a real luxury. We stayed in the most stunning  house, with sea views and steps going down to the beach. Just gorgeous.

I concentrated on making daily sketches of the Abbey Gardens as for me they are so inspiring due to an abundance of exotic plants, flowers and trees. I’ll really enjoy creating a new collection of work based on my drawings. We were also lucky to spot some of the rare wildlife- red squirrels and golden pheasants.

Each day a different robin (I only know this because one was quite fat and extrovert and another was shyer and slimmer) came and perched next to me whilst I was sketching. One day it trilled a song whilst making eye contact with myself and my son!

I’m ensconced in the studio now, preparing new work for the May Show, starting on 14th May 2020.